rolling dice
now i'm jumping on the questions again, losing all my senses again - i'm a rolling dice and i don't think twice, i gave my heart away

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My Favourite Character
Monday, September 5, 2011 / 7:01 AM

Sorry Miss Maly for the late posting. :(

My Favourite Characters. It is s hard to think about because there are so many to choose from.

This is Dibo the gift dragon. Is he familar to you? the last time since I watched his shows was A LONG TIME AGO but i can never ever forget the kind friendly face of his.Dibo lives in Cozy Land, as you can see from his nickname " the gift dragon " he gives gifts to people. In every of his episodes, whenever his friends would come meet into different problems in thier daily lives that make them sad. Dibo always understand his friends. All they have to do is make a wish to Dibo and Dibo will make their wish come true. But sometimes the gift suprised them. But there always a moral story behind every gift.

For a start I would like to tell you how helpful Dibo is. In one episode whih I watched just yesterday I was the first few episodes on how Dibo's friends comes about to become citizens in Cozy Land. That episode I watched, a ragged doll named Annie came to Cozy Land and felt very left out and unbelonging to the place. As all the other animals such as the Bunny and Crow knew each other since young and played together like best friends. Bunny loves to dress up and has a great sense of fashion while Crow is very creative and loves to read book and build stuff. Annie the ragged doll fet that everyone had talents except her. She tried being good in fashion like Bunny but it did not turn out well. She tried building a machine and it turn out to be a mess. Annie felt terrible and sad not being able to fit in. Thus she wished for a talent and Dibo the gift dragon gave a an Apron and a spoon. From there Annie find her own talent of being a great cook. Dibo helps show us the moral of being ourselves instead of someone else.

Also I too find Dibo to be a great leader to the Cozy Land citizens. He teaches his fellow friends different values in life. This lead them to become better and look at the bright side of life. Whenever his friends faces problems, they trust him into solving it. Dibo is like a big brother to all the citizens in Cozy Land.

Dibo the gift dragon is known to be a awesome fun kids show but deep down I think that those moral values taught in each of his episodes also helps in a Adult life. He teaches how to not give up in life and overcome our difficulties. He teaches us to happy and count our blessings. Also I love his theme song so much! it goes like this:

hello hello my name's dibo

here is something you should know

when you want a gift say this

di.di. bo ding di bo di bo ding!!

I'm a gift dragon

and a gifyky wagon

to grant your every wish

and take things through the air..


hello hello my name's dibo

here is something you should know

when you want a gift say this

di.di. bo ding di bo di bo ding!!

Romeo and Juliet
Monday, August 29, 2011 / 8:53 PM


OUR Romeo and Juliet

My Romeo and Juliet group. I am really happy to be in this group where most of us cooperate very well with one another. At the start we had alot of difficulties on choosing which of us to be the different characters in Romeo and Juliet and truth enough we took such a long time to finalise our characters, especially on the two most important characters, Romeo and Juliet. Still, I am really happy now that we have agreed and finalise on the characters. Every week on Wednesday our group would stay back for Rehearsals but i am really sorry because I haven been able to make it on those Wednesdays. My group communicates well with one another Although I haven been about to meet up with them the Director and other group members would feed me with the latest news and the progress of the props.

On a few occasions I had the chance to meet up with them during the weekends and after school. It was really fun rehearsing with my group members, we laughed and suggest different ideas to the dance. We help one another in the dance movements. It bonded us alot. After rehearsal some of us would sit together outside the 'Mama-shop" and discuss on our problems be it in school or in this Romeo and Juliet. I feel really happy and I think my group will be the best. We may be slower than the other few groups but we put in our best and we will be the best ^^

Finally I really want to thank two group members which is our director Ashikinn and Yiting. I really think that they had contributed a lot buying the materials even though they are very busy due to the upcoming tests and End of year exams. They spent time designing the back drops and also had to take care of our costume reminding us to bring it. :) Thank you Ashikinn and Yiting and also Miss Maly you. :)

Unseen poetry
/ 6:06 AM

Unseen Poetry

I find unseen poem interesting in the sense that I never seen it before. Hahaha okay just kidding . Unseen poetry brings me to a different mood everytime i read it. Moods such as surprised, Like WOW. I will never forget the unseen poem we read by Catherine Lim was it? The one about Muimui. Anyways the literary devices really helps in the effect of every sentence in the poem. It brings out the visual efect you know like the feeling you have in your mind that you can picture every part of what was described and I really like it alot, becasue sometimes these visual effect help me feel the anger the character is feeling. Its like watching a movie but instead of pictures and sounds, you get words.